Furniture Duo Create Lasting Beautiful Pieces

Furniture Duo Create Lasting Beautiful Pieces


August 3, 2020

Two friends form a furniture business out of an innate desire to create.

Owners of IZM, Shane Pawluk and Jerad Mack have known each other since the mid 90’s. Both were working overseas in Cuba when Pawluk decided to quit his job – not wanting to “work for anyone else again.” He thought “what can I do,” coffee shop (?) bike shop (?) or furniture (?) because those are the things he liked. Pawluk decided on furniture since his cousins had a woodworking shop. “I never did any woodworking before that. I thought this would be easy, but it wasn’t.”

Pawluk learned the craft and rules of woodworking from his cousin’s Dad, who passed on old world experience. “You may try to experiment and break the rules, but you learn quickly you can’t.”

While still in Cuba Mack started carving for something to do. He soon started working with a master furniture maker and began to build furniture.

Fast forward to both being back in Edmonton and building furniture independent of each other. One day Mack came over to Pawluk’s cousin’s woodworking shop to check it out and they looked at each other and said “well you might as well come work with us.” And IZM was born.

In the beginning Pawluk and Mack worked with retailers to sell products. Pawluck describes their original designs back then as “brutalist” with everything 1 ½ inches thick and square. Now IZM designs are a reflection of the owners. They like to design from their likes and passions – with ideas that come organically.

While still in Cuba Mack started carving for something to do. He soon started working with a master furniture maker and began to build furniture.

Mack does most of the designing now. He comes up with a shape and works it into a piece of furniture. Their design style is minimalist, organic shapes, curves, architectural – “it’s just a mix”.

People are finding IZM. Not ones to want to promote themselves, they like to let the work speak for itself. From referrals and word of mouth, IZM will build on order. They have done furniture for different restaurants, hotels, and individuals. After 17 years in business, IZM’s design style has evolved and matured into building beautiful, simple, and unique pieces of furniture.

And what does “luxuria” mean to Pawluk – “Playing volleyball with my friends.”

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